弃用:在PHP的未来版本中,与其类同名的方法将不再是构造函数;Qa_layer_9_from_layer_php的构造函数已弃用/home/abouaayt/public_html/aboutcivil/answers/qa-include/qa-base.php(720): eval() ` d代码在网上3.
/home/abouaayt/public_html / aboutcivil / / qa-plugin /管理/ layer.php回答 不同类型的混凝土混合物及其用途-土木工程技术问题和答案-询问土木工程师


这是在许多家装商店中常见的一种混合材料。它装在一个袋子里,除了水,它包含了混凝土的所有必要成分。它清楚地说明了当加水时,干拌料会产生多少混凝土,从而很容易计算出一个项目需要多少混凝土。一些制造商为不同类型的项目提供了几种类型。你所需要的只是适量的水和搅拌混凝土的地方和工具。如果你遵循制造商的说明,这种类型的混凝土几乎是万无一失的。然而,你将支付更多的干准备混合物比其他类型的混合物。对于小的工作,现成的干粉比其他选择更划算,所以如果经济是优先考虑的,不要自动排除这个选择。然而,对于大型项目,另一种选择几乎总是更便宜。现成的现成的混合是另一种适合休闲的自己做的产品,尽管它比干现成的混合更难找到。 This option comes with water added, ready to be immediately used. It comes in a small trailer that can be brought to your home, and the concrete should immediately be used. Sometimes that trailer contains a rotating drum that mixes the concrete as you go, other times the trailer contains just a large box with it in it. There are several drawbacks to ready mix concrete. First, it can be both difficult to find as well as expensive. Second, you must have a car that can successfully haul the concrete, which can be very heavy. Third, you must schedule buying ready mix so it does not sit too long before use and you must limit travel time. All of these drawbacks can become significant problems, so be sure to carefully consider your project's needs before buying ready mix. Bulk dry materials If you have a large project, buying your own bulk dry materials and mixing them yourself is often the most cost effective option. In addition to the economy bulk dry materials offer, you can also customize the mix to your specific strength and aesthetic needs.


0答案 42的观点
42的观点 2015年7月6日具体的技术通过mfby2k
1回答 186的观点
186的观点 2015年7月2日具体的技术通过mfby2k

    警告: count():参数必须是数组或在中实现Countable的对象/home/abouaayt/public_html/aboutcivil/answers/qa-include/qa-base.php(720): eval() ` d代码在网上12
  • 强度

  • 警告: count():参数必须是数组或在中实现Countable的对象/home/abouaayt/public_html/aboutcivil/answers/qa-include/qa-base.php(720): eval() ` d代码在网上12
  • 混凝土

  • 警告: count():参数必须是数组或在中实现Countable的对象/home/abouaayt/public_html/aboutcivil/answers/qa-include/qa-base.php(720): eval() ` d代码在网上12
0答案 103的观点
103的观点 2015年8月5日具体的技术通过mfby2k

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  • 混凝土
1回答 433的观点
433的观点 2015年7月1日具体的技术通过mfby2k

    警告: count():参数必须是数组或在中实现Countable的对象/home/abouaayt/public_html/aboutcivil/answers/qa-include/qa-base.php(720): eval() ` d代码在网上12
  • 工程

  • 警告: count():参数必须是数组或在中实现Countable的对象/home/abouaayt/public_html/aboutcivil/answers/qa-include/qa-base.php(720): eval() ` d代码在网上12
  • 民事

  • 警告: count():参数必须是数组或在中实现Countable的对象/home/abouaayt/public_html/aboutcivil/answers/qa-include/qa-base.php(720): eval() ` d代码在网上12
  • 混凝土
1回答 157的观点
157的观点 2015年7月30日具体的技术通过mfby2k

    警告: count():参数必须是数组或在中实现Countable的对象/home/abouaayt/public_html/aboutcivil/answers/qa-include/qa-base.php(720): eval() ` d代码在网上12
  • 混凝土